The facts pose something of a paradox: It is becoming ever more impossible to gain a comprehensive view of the world today when faced with a never-ending range of information from various sources (including the so- called „Fake news“). When further details are considered such as the numerous contradictions, points of view and perspectives, one starts to question reality. Slicing this complex matrix into various layers is investigated through the works of four artists featured in this show. The works of Adolf Luther and Alexei Kostroma seek individual nuances and explore distinct changes within accumulated layers. Whereas, Carsten Goering and Claus Stabe examine the central space caught in between two or more reference points for its hidden content and truth. We should also consider the generational gap between some of the artists, for example, Luther (1912-1990) whose art is part of the art history of the 20th century, and Stabe (*1984) positioned in the younger generation of the current contemporary art scene.