Andrea AcostaNina WiesnagrotzkiLarissa FasslerMila PanicGround Control
Berlin15 Nov 2019 – 11 Jan 2020
»Ground Control« REITER | Berlin prospect
»Ground Control« REITER | Berlin prospect
»Ground Control« REITER | Berlin prospect
»Ground Control« REITER | Berlin prospect
»Ground Control« REITER | Berlin prospect
»Ground Control« REITER | Berlin prospect
»Ground Control« REITER | Berlin prospect
»Ground Control« REITER | Berlin prospect
The neoliberal economic model that prevails across the world is at war with planetary boundaries. The irreparable impact of mass-agriculture, urbanism and resource extraction becomes increasingly evident and translates into the heightened frequency of natural disasters. Across the world, the scientific community’s message is clear and a feeling of precariousness - a lack of control - is beginning to seep into the human psyche.
»Ground Control« explores the tension between organic and architectural impulses and whether they can be successfully reconciled. Bringing together the work of four Berlin-based artists, Andrea Acosta, Larissa Fassler, Mila Panic and Nina Wiesnagrotzki, the exhibition yields an urgent reconsideration of our relationship to nature and space, eliciting new ways of inhabiting our environments that are in harmony with the complex dynamics that regulate the natural order.