»Stare off with a fly (...zu fortgeschrittener Stunde, unter Aufbietung seiner letzten Kräfte, heute würde er es schaffen!)« 2023, coloured shingles made of various woods, acrylic and lacquer on wood, glazed ceramics, glazed and partially gold-plated cera
»Eierloch!« 2019, ceramics, wood, stone, 54.5 x 38 x 15.5 cm
»Cockman claims he came first, then the chicken, then the egg« 2022. Glazed and partially gilded ceramics, sandstone, woods, varnish, stain, 37,5 × 37 × 20,5 cm
»Trying the Trick with the Powdered Face - Stare Off with a Fly Watched by a Wurst« 2017, oil and car paint, carved sausages, frame, 78cm × 52cm × 5cm
»WE ASSURE YOU ... (there is nothing to worry about everything is solid and perfectly stabil Mr. Partyboy« 2018, glazed ceramics on plinth, 70 x 30 x 30 cm
»Trophy for being where everyone else is« 2017, gilded ceramics, various woods and marble, 31 x 31 x 60 cm
»Gekenterte Suppenschüssel aus der Zeit der Opulenz« 2023, glazed, lustrated and partially gilded ceramics, 33cm × 30cm × 26cm
»Hinterm Vorhang. (Studie zu Geschindel und Gewrangel)« 2023, acrylic on prepared cardboard, 20cm × 15cm
»Stare off with a fly (...zu fortgeschrittener Stunde, unter Aufbietung seiner letzten Kräfte, heute würde er es schaffen!)« 2023, coloured shingles made of various woods, acrylic and lacquer on wood, glazed ceramics, glazed and partially gold-plated cera
»Trophy for finding the jug of wisdom, drained to the dregs and stuck to a piece of wood« 2015, glazed ceramics, partly gilded, ink, wooden base, 145 x 30 x 30 cm
»Sieben Fliegen (... fand er an den Vorhang geheftet. Jemand forderte ihn heraus...)«, 2023, Coloured shingles made of various woods, acrylic and lacquer on wood, glazed ceramics, 110cm × 90cm × 6cm
»We just need another Hero! Ignore the Circumstances!« 2019, ceramics, wood, stone, 59 x 35 x 30 cm
»Tödlein mit Hexenschuss 1« 2023, glazed ceramics, 18 cm × 7 cm × 9 cm, »Tödlein mit Hexenschuss 2« 2023, glazed ceramics, 15 cm × 7 cm × 6 cm
Sebastian Neeb »Geschindel« exhibition view REITER | Berlin 2023
»Dilettante Kartoffeln wetteifern um die Gunst des Vaters.« 2023, glazed and partially gold-plated ceramic, installation variable
»Elefant & co auf See vs. Lila« 2015, oil, laquer on wood, wooden board, 58 x 75 x 3 cm
»The problem with the wooden wurst« 2015 exhibition view
»The Stage is yours (Golden Buzzer)« 2019, ceramics, wood, stone, 53 x 30.5 x 30.5 cm
»INSOMNIA... (the weird looking sausage thing he keeps asking for advice suggested to cover his face with ketchup and it seems to work)« 2018, oil and car laquer on wood, carved wood sausage, frame, 85 x 52 x 5.2 cm
»Die ergatterte Wurst« 2023, coloured shingles made of various woods, acrylic and lacquer on wood, glazed ceramics, 110 × 90 × 6cm
Sebastian Neebinfo
A trace of irony and the barely hidden pleasure is a playful blend in the multi-disciplinary work of Sebastian Neeb. He plays with the sublime nature of art and approaches it – verbally and figuratively – looking behind the gestures and slogans. Neeb’s tragicomedy figures and scenes create a distance which either make the trivial visible or demolish the abysses.
In recent years, Sebastian Neeb has created a complex artistic cosmos. Painting, photography, objects, installations and sculptures all complement each other through thematic complexes. The craftsmanship techniques are mastered at the same time and the handling of different materials are combined to form coherent installations.
Neeb designs trophies for nonsense performances, balances paintings on sideboards, invents paper noses for portraits that are painted in an old-fashioned way – like the old masters and allows ceramic creatures to demand the attention of the beholder. He proclaims that his works are in the form of proverbs – the »wooden wurst« a comprehensive contemporary allegory of The Golden Calf. The »New Leader« character head placed on a pedestal, does not present power. They are disfigured physiognomies, witty and grotesquely deformed substances of faces that remark on the sight of power.
With the series of trophy-sculptures (with Neeb’s typical titles such as "Trophy for finding the jar of wisdom, drained to the dregs and stuck to a piece of wood"), he unmasks the competition hype culture as an unreflective folklore. Finally, in »Donkey Lessons«, the slogans of power politics and easy-going entertainment are no longer distinguished and the viewer of the artwork is now the addressee of the retort messages. The works push Neeb’s ironically formulated doubts: the splendor radiates a solemn grandeur and hides its auditorium, almost fading out what can be seen behind the glory. His objects both work for and against each other: blindness and recognition, he is never engaged in a thematic manner but a disillusioned one – a clever and entertaining style.
Sebastian Neeb’s work is a comprehensive commentary in a distantly thought-out present. His gaze permeates the accustomed rituals and transforms the astonishment into his art. He does not work with the reserved mirror image of the subject; instead, Neeb works with the imitation of practiced perception patterns and calculated reactions. Here art presents the confrontation of the beholder with an object.
1980 born in Güstrow, grown up in Berlin 1995 - 2000 studies of traditional painting techniques, taught by Wolf-Ulrich Friedrich 2001 - 2002 studies of philosophy at Humboldt-University Berlin 2002 - 2009 studies of fine arts in the classes of Daniel Richter, Anselm Reyle, Claudia Shneider and Robert Lucander at the Berlin University of the Arts. masterstudies under supervision of Daniel Richter and Robert Lucander Sebastian Neeb lives and works in Berlin.
Sebastian Neebenquiry
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